
First categories: content is the basis for promotion, be sure to the web site optimization.
Optimization of the site's content, here not only refers to the original content, original content is important, is the foundation of a website living, is a sign of different from other sites. But with good content, but also good for content optimization method, so as to let the website good unique original content as it is known.
Landing the second categories: all kinds of search engines and site directory, can't let go free chance to show them.
The first step must be logged in the search engine, at present in the operation of the domestic each big search engine, including Google and baidu, sogou, etc., it is best to each search engine submission, so you are Internet users see opportunities will be increased. And because the search engine included the new site has certain work cycle, so the job to start work early, the better.
And then the landing of the site directory including site sites and major portal search channel list section below.
Also important, if have the strength, can create web industry professional web directory system, both to improve their site in the status of the industry web site, give a person with professional impression, but also increases the chance of trade cooperation.
The third categories: increase viscosity, let users effectively settle.
For industry news channel will not only help to improve and improve your search engine results, and to attract industry users, enhance viscosity has a lot of help.
The fourth categories: based on the fundamental, different industry cooperation.
Friendship chain is an important job of website promotion, to improve the website weight, but also to increase website traffic. But link it is best to look for different industry, and has no direct relationship between the website content itself, such a link exchange can filter the user.
The fifth class: to share good things with the other users of the Internet: key and bookmarks.
Key system in fact is an open dynamic web favorites, every day there is popular sina VIVI, key, etc., can we put our own content pages as much as possible to submit to the open key system, when it is necessary to use key automatically submit software of the system.
Of the six major categories: can use channels to the Internet, can use external conditions.
The method of using software to promote, you can pick and choose the part of the website content, e-books, on the software download site, in a short period of time can get a good result, and these books can be posted to other website.
To promotion method of the software, you can do a movie torrent, and attached to each big movie site, let netizens downloaded automatically to spread, is a feasible method.
7 categories: the application of all kinds of mass.
1, im a mass: collect mass tools such as QQ, want want, MSN, send messages, do such a thing, will be thick-skinned, don't be afraid of being scolded,
2, BBS irrigation machine: it is best in the industry, the use of a variety of free or charge irrigation machine software, by post, the more the better, now the mass of the machine is very intelligent.
3, mass, blogs, emails and other tools, collected enough useful email, then use some attractive title to each other, note: don't let a person look like spam.
The eighth class: using the picture material for promotion.
Collect some pictures of you like hot body colour, such as pet, funny, QQ expression, such as the web site to make image watermark, collect thousands of pieces, divided into dozens of projects, to various places map or upload, the more the better.
Chain of 9 categories: advertising propaganda.
This way at the beginning of the web site launched, for stimulating the basis of site traffic is helpful, but carefully chosen based on the characteristics of the content of the site, preventing illegal content from other sites in the chain, and hurt its own brand.
10 categories: trade coexist, choose a site work without conflicts.
It needs to do a long-term preparation: initiate and organize activities of industry website online selection, industry is not very competitive, or architecture is more clear, can use the means of network alliance, but it tends to cause the attention of competitors, so be cautious. Should choose those emphatically though and we are together in an industry, but there is no conflict of main business website.